via Daily Prompt: Sludge

The people of this world are exactly like a sludge. I think this is the best word to define the creatures of the planet Earth. In a sludge all different kinds of substances are combined and are impossible to separate, we humans are the same. Coming from all the different regions, cultures, heritage, ethnicity, colour, height etc. etc. We are combined together in this planet. You can identify us, oh yeah! You can defiantly identify us from a black to white, from a tall to short, from a rich to poor, from a literate to illiterate, etc. But can you separate anyone of them from the said sludge?? No.

So why mankind is fighting with each other for being different parts or members of this sludge? We are combined, attached with each other one or the other way we have to be with each other no matter what. Then why a human hates the other for being a human!

You can Google a thousands of quotes on love but how many of us have seen those quotes being applied to one’s life or how many of us have seen the live examples of love the thousands of quotes are referring to? You don’t have to look for hatred, hatred had eaten us whole. They say Love is hard to find, I say Love is hard to give, you can find love pretty easily if you are willing to give it.

So can anyone of us leave the earth and start living in some other planet? No. So why not make this place where we can live more peaceful and a happy place. Hating someone because he is different from you is unjustified, one can’t choose what part of the sludge s/he is going to be. Everyone today is self concerned, personal benefit has become so much important that humans have forget the difference of right and wrong, completely.

The most serious problem of humans is the nonacceptance of other humans. We should start accepting other humans and respect them for who they are. This will solve many big issues of this world and we won’t be needing any unions or commissions to sort out our differences and the world will be a way better place to live then it is today.



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